All Wii Ios Wads

The Homebrew Browser is a good place to get homebrew on your Wii. This is optional to install. Continue to site navigation We have many other tutorials that you might like. You can now use homebrew such as USB Loader GX and WiiFlow. In this case the installer will try to get those modules from the following IOS wads that must be placed on the root of your USB drive: IOS36-64-v3608.wad IOS58-64-v6176.wad. This version number is seen in decimal form in the filenames of IOS WADs on update partition (e.g. 'IOS9-64-v516.wad' for version 516 (decimal)). Converted to hex, that 516 becomes 0x0204, and can be read as '2.4' - IOS9, version 2.4. As a rule, an existing IOS will never have new features added to it, to protect binary compatibility. (thaT I DOWNLOAD TO THE WII ALL AT ONCE ) but i have 157 wad files i load aLL at once when modding my wii's all the Cios wads, d2x rev6 wads, ios wads, RVL etc. Is this ok or should i be instaling them in seperate batchs at a time? For all your Wii Needs. Wii Downloads Applications; Homebrew; Applications.

This page is intended to track changes in IOS ( the operating system that runs on Starlet) such as: added features, bug fixes, etc.It will also cover what different minor versions are known to exist.


The Title ID of the IOSes follow this convention '00000001-000000xx' where xx is the IOS number in hexadecimal.The 'IOS number' is best thought of as a 'Major' version number for the firmware, and probably corresponds to a specific version of Nintendo's (proprietary) SDK. For example, the version of the SDK used to compile Zelda: Twilight Princess probably was tailored to run on IOS9.

In general, IOSx0 is used for the system menu (IOS20, IOS30, IOS40, IOS50, IOS60, IOS70). IOSx1 seems to be used for Nintendo channels (e.g. Mail app icloud client host rejected access denied. IOS31, IOS51, IOS61).

Each IOS has a 16-bit version number in its TMD. This version number is seen in decimal form in the filenames of IOS WADs on update partition (e.g. 'IOS9-64-v516.wad' for version 516 (decimal)). Converted to hex, that 516 becomes 0x0204, and can be read as '2.4' -- IOS9, version 2.4.

All Wii Ios Wadsworth

As a rule, an existing IOS will never have new features added to it, to protect binary compatibility. This means that any updates for existing IOSes are only meant to fix bugs (generally, security bugs).

Future of IOS

As of late 2008, Nintendo has been replacing some versions of IOS with small non-functional 'place holder' IOSes. This is to prevent the reuse of the IOS 'slot' for software other than official Nintendo Software which utilized that IOS number.Nintendo can come back at a later date if necessary and 'reuse' an IOS slot at their own discretion by simply increasing the version number of the title and replacing it with a functional IOS once again. These IOSes have been marked as Mothballed on the table denoting that they could quite possibly be reused in the future if Nintendo decides to do so.

Version Table

IOS NumberMinor(s)Version Number(s)NotesNUS AvailabilityStatus
IOS30.7.6, 255.0v1798, v65280Despite the version being 0.7.6 as seen in the SDK, the titleid is IOS3. IOS in beta used the IOS0 title id, then as it neared release they changed to IOS3. Later on it changed to IOS4 which is the first one that got shipped at retail. IOS3 is used in the factory and comes preinstalled as a stub on some wiis because of it; later version is a stub. The older version is lost but we know it exists because SDK.UnavailableMothballed
IOS40.1, 0.3, 1.3, 255.0v1, v3, v259, v65280Previous versions only had minimal drivers (lacking KD, WL, WD, SSL), and were used during manufacturing. v3's timestamp is Aug 10, 2006; it was used by the Prelaunch System Menu present on pre-launch kiosk Wiis that shipped without a full System Menu. v259 was used on Korean Wiis at some point, although it is unknown what, if any, purpose it served. v1's existence is known through remnants in the Startup Disc NAND. v65280 is a stub; at one point, v3 was on CDN, likely by accident, but it was replaced with the stub version.v65280Mothballed
IOS5255.0v65280We only know it exists because it's listed in the SDK. The IOS5 going around the internet is a modded version of IOS21 and is not real, the legit IOS5 will probably never be found. IOS with the same titleid exists as stub on some Wiis, probably same situation as IOS3 above where it's used for factory titles or possibly due to the aforementioned hack distributed under the IOS5 title ID.LostNever Released
IOS6??We only know it exists because it's listed in the SDK. Will probably never be found.LostNever Released
IOS7??We only know it exists because it's listed in the SDK. Will probably never be found.LostNever Released
IOS8??We only know it exists because it's listed in the SDK. Will probably never be found.LostNever Released
IOS90.1, 2.1, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 2.9, 4.10v1, v513, v516, v518, v520, v521, v778, v1034Has only one LED pattern: blinking. First 'normal' IOS version. Used by System Menu 1.0 and launch games. v513 is a lost pre-release version, listed in SDK. Version 1's internal timestamp is Aug 22 2006 13:46:28. v518 was at some point found on Korean Wiis.v520, v521, v778, v1034Active
IOS10?, 3.0?, v768First 'stub' IOS. Origin of the shared contents used by all subsequent 'stub / mothballed' IOSes. Used as a System Menu IOS on devkits and used by the Japanese version of System Menu 1.0.v768Mothballed
IOS110.10, v1.0v10, v256Internal timestamp says Nov 14 2006 16:26:01. Used by System Menu 2.0.v10, v256Mothballed
IOS120.6, 0.11, 0.12, 1.13, 2.13v6, v11, v12, v269, v525, v526This IOS has an internal date of June 4, 2006; this would make it the earliest known IOS, however it appears that this is merely when a related source tree (possibly not even for this specific IOS) was created, not the actual build date of the binary for any publicly released version of this IOS.v6, v11, v12, v269, v525, v526Active
IOS130.10, 0.15, 0.16, 1.11, 4.7v10, v15, v16, v273, v1031, v1032Used by the 'All Regions' title of News, Weather & Photo 1.0 Channelsv10, v15, v16, v273, v1031, v1032Active
IOS141.1, 1.6, 1.7, 2.8, 4.7v257, v262, v263, v520, v1031, v1032v262, v263, v520, v1031, v1032Active
IOS151.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.9, 1.10, 2.11, 4.7v257, v258, v259, v260, v265, v266, v523, v1031, v1032Contains NAND BOOT PROGRAM (AKA NANDloader) -- this was probably accidentalv257, v258, v259, v260, v265, v266, v523, v1031, v1032Active
IOS161.1, 2.0v257, v512Initially used for Wii Backup Disc. The version on the Wii Backup Disc was infamously used by pirates, until System Menu 4.0 mothballed this IOS as of v512. The mothballed stub version was retracted from the Korean SOAP server 2 days after its original posting for unknown reasons. The System Menu 4.1 update for Korea added it back, along with stubbing IOS52.v512Mothballed
IOS172.0, 2.5, 2.6, 4.7v512, v517, v518, v775, v1031, v1032v512, v517, v518, v775, v1031, v1032Active
IOS200.12, 1.0v12, v256Feb 22 2007 04:25:59 Used by System Menu 2.2.v12, v256Mothballed
IOS212.2, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.10, 2.13, 4.14v514, v515, v516, v517, v522, v525, v782, v1038, v1039Contains NAND BOOT PROGRAM. Most debugging messages are removed. Most common for third-party titles.v514, v515, v516, v517, v522, v525, v782, v1038, v1039Active
IOS223.4, 3.9, 3.10, 4.13, 5.13v772, v777, v780, v1037, v1293, v1294v777, v780, v1037, v1293, v1294Active
IOS285.8, 5.12, 5.13, 6.14, 7.14v1288, v1292, v1293, v1550, v1806, v1807Starting with IOS28, firmware is divided into 15 modules. Added some ioctls to /dev/es.v1292, v1293, v1550, v1806, v1807Active
IOS304.13, 4.15, 4.16, 10.16, 11.0v1037, v1039, v1040, v2576, v2816Added USB Keyboard support. Used by many previous versions of the System Menu.v1037, v1039, v1040, v2576, v2816Mothballed
IOS314.13, 4.15, 4.16, 10.16, 12.16, 12.20, 13.21, 14.23v1037, v1039, v1040, v2576, v3088, v3092, v3349, v3607, v3608Used by News/Weather/Photo 1.1 channelv1037, v1039, v1040, v2576, v3088, v3092, v3349, v3607, v3608Active
IOS334.16, 11.14, 11.16, 12.19, 14.23v1040, v2832, v2834, v3091, v3607, v3608v1040, v2832, v2834, v3091, v3607, v3608Active
IOS344.15, 12.15, 12.19, 13.20, 14.23v1039, v3087, v3091, v3348, v3607, v3608v1039, v3087, v3091, v3348, v3607, v3608Active
IOS354.16, 12.16, 12.20, 13.21, 14.23v1040, v3088, v3092, v3349, v3607, v3608v1040, v3088, v3092, v3349, v3607, v3608Active
IOS364.18, 12.18, 12.22, 13.23, 14.23v1042, v3090, v3094, v3351, v3607, v3608Used by Mario Kart Wii (non-Korean) and Super Smash Bros Brawl (non-Korean)v1042, v3090, v3094, v3351, v3607, v3608Active
IOS378.22, 14.25, 14.28, 22.30v2070, v3609, v3612, v3869, v5662, v5663First to fix the signature-checking function bugv2070, v3609, v3612, v3869, v5662, v5663Active
IOS3814.19, 14.20, 16.27v3609, v3610, v3867, v4123, v4124Used by Animal Crossing: City Folk (non-Korean)v3610, v3867, v4123, v4124Active
IOS409.17, 11.19, 12.0v2321, v2835, v3072Present in Korean system.v3072Mothballed
IOS419.16, 11.19, 12.19, 13.20, 14.22v2320, v2835, v3091, v3348, v3606, v3607Present in Korean system.v2835, v3091, v3348, v3606, v3607Active
IOS439.16, 11.19, 12.19, 13.20, 14.22v2320, v2835, v3091, v3348, v3606, v3607Present in Korean system.v2835, v3091, v3348, v3606, v3607Active
IOS459.16, 11.9, 12.19, 13.20, 14.22v2320, v2835, v3091, v3348, v3606, v3607Present in Korean system.v2835, v3091, v3348, v3606, v3607Active
IOS469.18, 11.21, 12.21, 13.22, 14.22v2322, v2837, v3093, v3350, v3606, v3607Used by Korean Mario Kart Wii. Present in 'Need for Speed Undercover' and in 'Shin Chuukadaisen' Korean.v2837, v3093, v3350, v3606, v3607Active
IOS4816.27v4123, v4124Used by Korean Animal Crossing: City Folk. Bundled with System Menu 4.3K provides the same features as IOS38 but has a newer SDI module and an FFSP vs FFS module.v4123, v4124Active
IOS5019.25, 20.0v4889, v5120Came with the November 17, 2008 update. Used by System Menu 3.4.v4889, v5120Mothballed
IOS5118.25, 19.0v4633, v4864Used by a previous Shop Channel. Released at same time as fixes to remaining fakesigning bugs.v4633, v4864Mothballed
IOS5222.29, 23.0v5661, v5888Included with and used by System Menu 3.5 for Korean Wiis.v5661, v5888Mothballed
IOS5316.17, 20.29, 21.30, 22.30v4113, v5149, v5406, v5662, v5663v4113, v5149, v5406, v5662, v5663Active
IOS5518.25, 20.29, 21.30, 22.30, 22.31v4633, v5149, v5406, v5662, v5663Seems to have changes in the DI Module.v4633, v5149, v5406, v5662, v5663Active
IOS5619.26, 20.26, 21.29, 22.29v4890, v5146, v5405, v5661, v5662Used by the Wii Speak Channel 2.0 and some games. Used by the Wii Shop Channel update as of Sept. 7, 2010.v4890, v5405, v5661, v5662Active
IOS5721.28, 21.51, 22.29, 23.30v5404, v5661, v5918, v5919Contains new or updated modules 'OHCI0 USB USB_HID USB_HUB USB_MSC USB_VEN ETH'v5404, v5661, v5918, v5919Active
IOS5823.30, 24.31v5918, v6175, v6176Comes with the game 'Your Shape' to allow the USB camera to work.v6175, v6176Active
IOS59v6689, v7207, v8737, v9249Used by titles that require WFS functionality, such as Dragon Quest X and the USB Repair Channel.v8737, v9249Active
IOS6024.30, 25.0v6174, v6400Used by System Menu 4.0 and System Menu 4.1v6174, v6400Mothballed
IOS6119.26, 21.29, 22.29v4890, v5405, v5661, v5662Used by the Wii Shop Channel update that came with System Menu 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2 Also used by Photo Channel 1.1 v3+v4890, v5405, v5661, v5662Active
IOS6225.30v6430Used by the Wii U Transfer Tool, to allow it to change its UID (this version specifically whitelists that). The vWii versions (not listed here) have different whitelists.v6430Active
IOS7026.31, 27.00v6687, v6912Used by System Menu 4.2v6687, v6912Mothballed
IOS8027.31, 27.32v6943, v6944Used by System Menu 4.3v6943, v6944Active
IOS222255.0v65280Piracy prevention.v65280Preventative
IOS223255.0v65280Piracy prevention.v65280Preventative
IOS249255.0v65280Piracy prevention.v65280Preventative
IOS250255.0v65280Piracy prevention.v65280Preventative
IOS2540.2, 0.3, 1.04, 255.0v2, v3, v260, v65280Distributed along with all System Menus since System Menu 3.4 as a quick fix for PatchMii. It's just a copy of IOS9. As Nintendo releases new versions of IOS9 this title will also receive updates.-ex IOS9 v521 corresponds to v3 of IOS254.v2, v3, v260, v65280Preventative

All Wii Ios Wads

All wii ios wadsAll Wii Ios Wads
IOS9 ·IOS12 ·IOS13 ·IOS14 ·IOS15 ·IOS17 ·IOS21 ·IOS22 ·IOS28 ·IOS31 ·IOS33 ·IOS34 ·IOS35 ·IOS36 ·IOS37 ·IOS38 ·IOS41 ·IOS43 ·IOS45 ·IOS46 ·IOS48 ·IOS53 ·IOS55 ·IOS56 ·IOS57 ·IOS58 ·IOS59 ·IOS61 ·IOS62 ·IOS80
IOS4 ·IOS10 ·IOS11 ·IOS16 ·IOS20 ·IOS30 ·IOS40 ·IOS50 ·IOS51 ·IOS52 ·IOS60 ·IOS70
IOS3 ·IOS5 ·IOS222 ·IOS223 ·IOS249 ·IOS250 ·IOS254
See also
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