PatientBase is a free patient fitting data management tool that gives you a simple, secure way to work. Whether your practice consists of a single computer, or spans multiple computers in different locations, PatientBase seamlessly integrates data storage into the familiar Inspire fitting software application. Find how-to instructional videos on how to clean, care and operate your hearing aids. Watch these tutorial videos for helpful hints on hearing aids, accessories, and hearing aid apps.
Hi, I just installed the Inspire software from the link on this site. After installation the Inspire did a software update to the latest 2017 version. Everything went very smooth. After installing the Inspire software I installed the Patient Database software and that went in smoothly. I am hoping to program Starkey Muse i2400 hearing aids. Starkey Inspire Software Download 9/21/2019 PatientBase is a free patient fitting data management tool that gives you a simple, secure way to work.
Like nothing else. From no-one else.
Our Inspire software is designed to allow you to provide patients with all the benefits of the Starkey sound. With an easy and intuitive user interface, Inspire offers all the tools needed for every situation; from an efficient first fit to handling the most complex listening needs.
This session will provide a detailed walkthrough of the latest version of the Inspire fitting software. It also includes an overview of the newest additions to Starkey’s lithium ion rechargeable product range, which is now the most comprehensive rechargeable offering on the market.
Below you will find links to the recording of the Inspire Programming Software and Rechargeable Technology webinar, a copy of the PDF of the presentation for your reference, some key reference guides to download, the quiz and CPD reflections questionnaire, and professional endorsement details.
Watch the webinar and take the quiz:

Here are some key PDF resources for you to download and save:
- • Webinar presentation
- • Latest Product Portfolio
- • Rechargeable Initial Fit Protocol
- • Troubleshooting Guide
- • Sound Manager QuickTIP
- • Frequency Lowering Validation QuickTIP
Wurth wow 5.00.12 keygen. Endorsement details:
Starkey Software
- • ACAud Endorsed: 202087 (2 CEP points with passing quiz)
- • AudA Endorsed: CPD2021 045 (Category 1.2) (1 CPD Point)
- •HAASA Endorsed: CPED2020-2021 (2020-047) (1.5 CPED points with passing quiz)
Download Starkey Inspire Software
In order to obtain these points, you need to attend the seminar and complete the quiz. Audiology Australia members must additionally complete the CPD evaluation and reflections questionnaire.